Are You Dave Gorman home

Rating: 5/5
Reviewed by: Ashley Frieze
Buy it now.

Read this book. Indeed, visit the site which prompts you to do so - ReadDaveGorman.Com.

This is a fantastic book by Dave Gorman and Danny Wallace. It is based on a true story that is both silly and yet somehow important. As well as nearly bankrupting the eponymous Mr Gorman, this adventure became a stage show, television series and, ultimately, this fine book.

It's a simple tale. Two flat mates get drunk one night and one (Danny) bets the other (Dave Gorman) that there are not that many people in the world called Dave Gorman. The next thing they know, they're on a train to Scotland to find the first Dave Gorman to prove Danny wrong. The challenge ultimately becomes a test of whether Dave can find 54 (one for every card in the pack, including the jokers) Dave Gormans (or Gormen) before travelling too far or becoming far too broke.

The book is written by two excellent writers, in their own voices, and shows the strength of their relationship and determination to carry out such a pointless task. It is also exceedingly witty and quite exciting. As a 27 year old male, who wishes he'd done this sort of pointless thing, I found that I could not put the book down without great difficulty.

So, read the book and find out the lengths people will go to in order to prove a point. Plus, find out how helpful complete strangers can be to those among us who have a quest... albeit a pointless one.

For another book in the same vein, how about Round Ireland With A Fridge?

22 February 2002
Ashley Frieze