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Episode 2

The Story So Far

Sweaty, a fat sweaty ball of pus, finds mysterious magical powers after an accident with some acid-rain, his roof and a rampant video recorder. He is now deciding how best to put to use his new super-pus-powers.

Since developing his super powers, Sweaty had spent a lot of time working on himself. He realised that he could no longer remain a pussy hermit - he must now face the outside world - he had the skills to do it, he had to fill the many openings they provided.

It was a daunting prospect to him, although he could make himself look like a 6-foot-tall handsome male, he was still pussy at heart. Leaving his pussy house would not be an easy thing to do, he had lived there for 8 pus-filled years eating cheese toasties and watching his pussy videos on his pussy video recorder and TV.

He had never needed to leave his house, Mrs Hodgbottom, from over the road, used to do all his shopping for him. She would bring him many flavoured cheeses which he used to melt in a Breville toastie maker and slurp down with delight. It had never mattered to him if the toasties dribbled - he was always covered in his own juices - a combination of sweat, pus and cheese grease was comfortable to him. He thought he had everything he could ever need.

However, his change to Super-pus had changed everything. He realised, finally, that he did need more than his own company; he needed the pleasure of being with other people and he certainly had needs that stretched beyond just a hand shake. Sweaty realised that he was too old to be shy about meeting girls. He realised that he could now get over the barrier of absolute revulsion that had stood in his way with girls before now. Sweaty could finally leave the house and meet people.

The only woman Sweaty had ever known was Mrs Hodgbottom and he only really knew her hand as she would not enter his house due to the smell - she used to pass his shopping through the specially enlarged cat-flap he had fitted to his pussy back door. Sweaty used to look forward to using the pussy flap with her - even the muted conversation through it was something. He used to give her his giro-cheque and she would pass him the shopping. He now realised that Mrs Hodgbottom would have to be the woman to show him how to behave in company.

When you get used to being a certain way, it is hard to change. You can change your habits over time if you try hard. Sweaty realised that if he could change his physical form to be more attractive, he must also consider changing his habits - since they may not compare favourably to normal people. Not everyone was as pussy, sweaty and generally slack as he was. He needed to be taught. In order to ask for Mrs Hodgbottom's help, he realised that he needed to make his house cleaner so she could come in. He called Rento-pus. For a reasonable price, they agreed to come and de-pus his place. The only drawback was that he would have to stay out of his house for 24 hours while the anti-sweat pus-ticide worked.

While Rento-pus was at work, in their all over body-suits with breathing apparatus and double strength wellies, Sweaty changed form into a speed-bump and went to sleep on a motorway. He was woken a few hours later to the sound of the 12th car hitting the pile up caused by some motorist slowing down to 15 miles per hour suddenly on the M15. Sweaty could not understand why some people drove so badly. He got up, changed back into his normal pus-like self and rolled home.

His house was ready - it had been de-fumed and the broken gauze roof had been replaced by a new slate-roof with lovely green guttering. He decided to have a shower to clean himself up. He normally had a bath, there was nothing like stewing in some luke-warm water for a couple of hours. However, this was the new Sweaty - he had a hot shower and used some soap Mrs Hodgbottom had bought by accident a few years ago - she misread the label "Camay" thinking it said "Camembert" - one of Sweaty's favourite cheeses. Sweaty laughed as he washed, thinking how funny it would be to use Camembert to clean himself up - he would not try that, not after that last time when it did not dissolve properly in the bathwater.

When all cleaned up, he went over to Mrs Hodgbottom's place, he rang the bell - this was tricky for him due to his being so bloated - he could not get near enough the door to reach forward to press the button. After a few bounces, he managed it. Mrs Hodgbottom answered the door wearing her dressing gown. As she saw Sweaty, she started to close the door but stopped, mid-slam, when she noticed the smell. No longer did it get up her nose, burning her sinuses and making her eyes water - it was actually quite pleasing, sort of lavender fresh. Looking at Sweaty in the light of daytime was not as bad as she remembered from the one time she actually had caught sight of him and the subsequent recurring nightmares.

"What can I do for you?" she asked.

"Can you teach me how to be normal?" asked Sweaty starting to ooze a bit.

"In what way? With the greatest of respect, people like yourself are... unique"

"You mean I'm too pussy! I can change that." said Sweaty as he started to change. He changed into a 6 foot tall muscular body builder. He changed so quickly that his clothes burst and came off leaving him completely visible. "Can you give me lessons?"

"I am sure I can fit you in." said Mrs Hodgbottom after some consideration of the new improved Sweaty. "Come round tomorrow at 10am and we will start work!"

Sweaty thanked her, turned back into his normal, ball-of-pus state, grabbed his clothes and rolled back home. This would be it, his gateway to a normal life - maybe even better - he could start to grab life by the horns rather than squeezing cheese through a pussy flap.

Will his lessons be successful? Will Mrs Hodgbottom put Sweaty into shape? What shape will it be? Will Sweaty stop being pussy and meet some girls? Find out in the next enthralling episode!

Written: 1995
Posted: 31 January 2001
Ashley Frieze