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Fools in sharp suits who have blunt brains

The fact that I work in a technical job for an IT-related company is nothing to do with this. The fact that I need to employ the third party companies to provide consultancy and services is not to be held against me. Despite talking as though I do, I do not know everything and have no desire to reach the level of omniscient.

What annoys me is that my limited technical knowledge, in a number of areas, often far exceeds the knowledge of the sales-force I am force to deal with to acquire services in these areas. With only a few exceptions, I find myself struggling against a tide of ignorance. On the rare occasions that I meet a knowledgable consultant, the enjoyment of finding good answers to my questions is marred by the knowledge that this is a rare breed.

It's understandable that sales people will have only a straighforward knowledge of their products - they have received little or no training, and the training that they have had is mainly on how to impress punters - how to blind them with science. Unfortunately, I don't want to be blinded with science, I want to know what I am dealing with and how. The ill-educated try to pull the wool over my eyes and then I get angry... and sarcastic. >>

1. ignorance
2. enlightenment

21 November 2000
Ashley Frieze